See who has registered for Reunion '24.
Alphabetical Order
Murray (C'75) & Laurie (Archer, US'73) Abbott
Steve (US'70, C'74) & Ronnie Abbott
Dennis Adjei-Baah (US'09, C'13)
Betsy (Tegtmeyer) Adler (C'81)
Leslee (Godfrey) Allen (C'74)
Patricia Allen (C'74)
Lindsay (C'74) & Joan Anderson
Maa-Ablah Apo (C'06)
Kim (Kalbfell) Ashby (C'90)
Les Baker (C'75)
Linda (Hinshaw) Bargmann (C'74)
Nicole Barnett (C'10)
Wayne Becker (C'95)
Sher (Houpt) Bedford (US'69, C'73)
Paul (C'74) & Sue (Rice, C'74) Beeson
Anika Becker (C'93)
Jeff (US'71, C'75) & Judy (Jackson, C'77) Bell
Rick Benedikt (C'75)
Joanie (Scofield) Benjamin (C'64)
Barbara (Mather, C'74) & Howard Berner
Jan (Lewis, C'74) & Kent (C'71) Bilsborrow
Chioma (Dinobi) Bishop (C'04)
Barbara Blackwell (HON'22)
Scott Blamey (C'99)
Brand Bogard (US'85, C'89)
Bruce Bollinger (US'71, C'75) & Anna Gannon
Susie Bonwich (US'11, C'15)
Chestnut (Pfeiffer, C'74) & Richard (C'69) Booth
Todd Boyman (US'83, C'87)
Julian (US'96, C'00) & Heidi (Brooks, C'00) Bradley
Donna (Williard) Brandsey (C'74)
Daniel Brandt (C'84)
Buz Brewster (US'65, C'69)
Kelly (Bingham, C'00) & Scott (US'97, C'01) Brown
Ruth Bruning (C'74)
Susan (Horner) Bruno (C'80)
Joanne (Worsley, US'65, C'69) & Tom Buchanan
Alice (Galloway, C'62) & David (C'62) Bullwinkle
John Butler (C'87)
Charlie Calhoun (C'75)
Kathy (Lewis) Canzoniero (C'74)
Kevin Capp (C'93)
Tom (C'75) & AmiLynne Carroll
Bill (C'79) & Jane (Hack, US'74, C'78) Chaplin
Valeri (Roberts) Chapman (C'74)
Dawn (Gangwisch) Cheyrouze (C'75)
Debbie Chibuzor (C'09)
David Childs (C'75)
Drew Clarkson (C'85)
Nancy (McFall) Clay (US'71, C'75)
Robert (C'09) & Audrey (Smith, C'09) Cleveland
Lany (van L. Maas) Clough (US'75, C'79)
Diane (Woodard, US'70, C'74) & Robert Collier
Steve Collins (C'79)
Linda Conradi (C'65)
David (C'59) Cornell & Virginia (Bivens, C'59) Neil Cornell
Ken Corson (C'64)
Rob Craig (US'62, C'66)
Cy Crandell (US'70, C'74)
Tena (Glasko) Crider (C'90)
Sara (Geisler, C'78) & Doug Croney
Liz (Shelton, C'05) & Peter Crow
Andy Crump (C'15)
Jodi Crump (C'94)
Andria (Witt) D'Errico (C'75)
Jerri (Barnes, C'75) & Richard (C'76) Davenport
Lenard Davis (C'75)
Jessica (Williams, US'93, C'97) & Colin Dees
Derek (C'74) & DeAnna Dibble
Mike (C'73) & Linda (Pyle, C'73) Distel
Lewis (US'81, C'85) & Joan (Laurel, C'84) Dixon
Tina (Hellyer) Dow (C'73)
Hunter Dutton (US'85)
Elizabeth "Libbie" Edwards (US'65, C'69)
Ginger (Mack, US'00, C'04) & Mathew (C'18) Emden
Marianne (Meyers) Evans (US'76, C'80)
Amy (Robbins, US'00, C'04) & Tom (C'07) Evans
Bill Fabian (US'71, C'75)
Linda "Shep" (Schoepke) Fine (C'75)
Jodie Fisher (C'75)
Bill Flatley
Robin (Headley) Florance (C'74)
Sulaiman Folarin (C'05)
David Foltz (C'60)
Joyce (Bedient) Fowler (C'75)
ZuZu (Faller) Freyer (C'74)
Michael Garvey (C'99)
Tanner (C'74) & Suellen (Hill, C'76) Girard
Molly Glascock (US'11, C'15)
Barbara "Barb" (King) Gohl (US'71, C'75)
Nancy (Richardson, C'74) & Jim Golmon
Whitnie (Wood) Gonzales (US'98, C'02)
Matt Grennie (C'88)
Gretchen Gribble (C'75)
Terri (Lane) Griffin (C'94)
Dick Gude (C'74)
Rob Guthrie (C'89)
Kendra (Fortbrook) Haines (C'90)
Thomas "TJ" Hainkel (C'69) & Beth Andrews (US'63, C'68)
Tim Hanson (C'80)
Willard Hanzlik (C'68)
Dee (Hicks) Haskins (C'75)
Storey (Hieronymus) Hauck (C'94)
Laura (Kidson) Hausladen (C'75)
Scott Hedberg (C'75)
Allura Henderson (US'70, C'74) & Wade Mayer (US'70)
Dale (C'74) & Susie (Ostenberg, US'61) Henn
Laura (Pashley) Henning (C'89)
Jim (US'70, C'74) & Karen (Goodspeed, US'80) Hertlein
Adrienne (Sandidge) Hill (C'82) & Timothy Watts
Guillermo (C'84) & Karen Hill
Joey (Terryberry, C'65) & Teke (US'61, C'66) Hoffman
Kesra Hoffman (C'94) & Kirke Martin
Jayme (Walker) Holcomb (C'83)
Carrie Hollenberg (C'75)
Hap (C'74) & Stephanie Holly
Cindy Holmes (US'86, C'90)
Angie (David) Hopper (C'93)
Jeri (Prugh) Hosmer-Lewitz (C'55)
Sid (C'65) & Doni (Ellison, C'63) Hubbard
Daren Huber (C'14)
Marcia (Schaberg) Hufstader (C'75)
Donanne (Ralston) Hunter (C'64)
Tina (Petersen) Hussey (US'85, C'89)
Okezie Iroz-Nnanta (C'97)
Clint Jackson (C'75)
Kristin (Anderson) Jamerson (US'75, C'79)
Meagan (Fleming) Jerome (C'08)
Gail (Woods) Johnson (C'74)
Nick Johnson (C'04)
Onyi (Ibe, C'05) & Brian Johnson
Tim Johnson (C'85) & Leslie (Elliott) Richardson (C'83)
Mary (Kumler) Jones (C'84)
John Jordan (C'90)
Sandy (Marschalk) Jump (US'70, C'74)
Lisa (Lacy, C'80) & Kris (C'79) Kaehn
Andy Kehe (C'74) & Natalie Norman-Kehe
Lee (Mayer, US'70, C'74) & John Kendrick
Dana (Cossman, C'78) & Donald Kenney
Ann (Griswold) Kidson (C'75)
Caleb King (C'80)
Mel (Horrell, C'75) & Tom (US'69, C'73) King
Miriam (Jones) Kingori (C'73)
Murilla King (C'14)
Laura Kinley (C'75) & Kelli Lent
Mike Kneeland (C'66)
Anita (Noll) Knight (C'75)
Charlie Kolar (C'74)
Gary Krisel (C'72)
Kit Kurtz (US'70, C'74) & Dara Sabri
Jeannie (Sellers, US'75, C'80) & Rick L'Heureux
Andy (C'65) & Donna Laird
Peggy (Mansfield, C'84) & Gary Lange
Susie (Levy) Ledbetter (C'70)
Stacey (Kidder) Lee (C'94)
Mark (C'74) & Mary Ann Lesko
Jasmine Linck (C'09) & Arber Masati
Annabelle (Bloom) Lines (US'07, C'11)
Lori (LeRoy) Lines (US'73, C'77)
Dave Littell (C'83)
Randi (Miller, C'74) & Sam Little
Mary Ann (Gustafson) Lomascolo (C'89)
Joy (Denninger, US'96, C'00) & Travis (C'00) Long
Joan (Wright) Lonnemann (C'75)
Margery (Telthorst) Lorusso (C'74)
Paul (US'71, C'75) & Kathy (Dunn, C'76) Lovegren
Jeff (C'74) & Nancy Lovejoy
Betsy (Garland) Lovell (C'75)
Bob Macdonald (C'79)
Glenn Maddock (C'83, C'96)
Agyeman Manu-Dapaah (C'05)
Allan Marquardt (C'82)
Cameron Martindell (C'99)
Hap (C'74) & Susan (Merrill, US'77, C'81) Mather
Ruth (Toner, C'79) & David Matthews
Sean Matthiesen (C'89)
Jeff Mattison (C'99)
Patti Matthys-Pearce (C'94)
Vincent (C'04) & Eloise Meligne
Beth Meindl (C'14)
Terese (Reiter) Messman (C'80) & Tom Weaver
Tim Meyerson (C'74)
Oliver McClory (C'64)
Susan McConnell (C'81)
Merrilee McFarland (US'99, C'03)
Jane (Levy, C'74) & Gregory (C'72) McLane
Terry (US'71, C'75) & Lauri (Pfisterer, US'83, C'87) McNabb
Kevin (US'70, C'74) & Debbie (Heulster, US'79, C'83) Thompson McNeil
John Mitchell (C'80)
Nina Mokoosio (C'10)
Bill Moore (C'75)
Nancy (Hansen) Moore (C'74)
Jan (Heinig, C'74) & Mark Mosman
Bruce (C'74) & Debbie (Paine) Murchison
Ed Murphy (C'88)
Eddie (US'55, C'60) & Carol (Danks, US'60) Murphy
Bemi (Ambugo) Mwaura (C'07)
Allison (Clifford) Myers (US'80, C'84)
Eric Nager (C'89)
Amy (Sauers, C'82) & Tom (C'82) Nickell
Daniel & Carolyn Norton
Sel Nutor (C'98)
Calvin (C'13) & Natalie Nyapete
Ashley Olson (US'90, C'94) & Douglas Laychak
Kate (Armstrong) Pagett (C'78)
Dick (C'70) & Shirley (Thomas, US'66, C'70) Paulson
Virginia (McNamee, US'76, C'80) & Scott (US'74) Pendleton
Amy Petersen (US'81, C'85)
Dave Pfleeger (C'93)
Eric (Smith, C'75) & Julie (C'75) Pierpont
Jeff Platt (C'75)
Ted Prechter (C'75)
Susie (Sharples) Quitter (US'89, C'93)
Sarah (Neale) Rand (US'99, C'03)
Anu Rao-Mandapati (C'94)
Marcie (Isenburg, C'74) Reed & Tim Carrasco
Marcia (Goldblatt) Regan (C'74)
Lynn (Woleslagel) Reiff (C'75)
Peggy (Klein) Rinegar (C'75)
Julie (Eckley) Rogers (US'86, C'90)
Adam Rolph (C'14)
Austin Romo (C'15)
Debbie (Frank, US'75, C'80) & Peter (C'79) Ross
Casie (Witte) Ruzzano (C'04)
Judi (Haugan) Ryan (C'74) & Fred Schiele (C'73)
Karl Ryan (C'74)
Trish (Morris) Sarkisian (C'80)
Mindy (Prziborowski) Savides (C'00)
Karen (Wiley) Sandler (C'64) & Kathy Young
Florence Savoye
Heather Savoye (US'19, C'23)
Lorna (Paine) Scherff (C'85)
Pamela Schleich (C'74)
Ann (Shea) Schless (C'75)
Becky (Symonds) Schlueter (C'74)
Penny Schmidt (US'75, C'79)
Scott (C'70) & Cosy (Scholet, C'73) Schneberger
Nathan (C'00) & Melissa (Konetchy, US'98, C'02) Schuette
Sandy (Roeming, C'74) & Brian Schumaker
Joy (Nickell) Schwentker (C'70)
Liz (Smith) Seaman (C'74)
Nancy (Garland, US'70, C'74) Seaman & Dennis Osvog
Robin (Mosley) Sellers (C'86)
David Seward (US'71, C'75)
Bill Sharp (C'65)
Owen Shindler (C'75)
Terry (Smith, C'85) & Dan (US'81, C'85) Sheets
Kris (Pfleeger, C'90) & Isahn (C'88) Shoemake
Heather (Darling) Shotwell (C'84)
Chilufya Siameja (C'04)
Gabby Mejia (C'14) & Dillon Siewert (C'14)
Scott (US'80, C'84) & Lisa (Wilhelm, C'82) Siewert
Brian (C'15) & Elaina (Cokinos, C'17) Simpson
Claire (Whetsel) Sinclair (C'80)
Betsy Slaughter-Oliveira (C'75)
Daniel Smith (C'75)
Dave Smith (C'80)
Mooreland Smith (C'75)
Merry (Pease) Sorrells (C'79)
Tobin Sparfeld (US'96, C'00)
Tuck Spaulding (US'63, C'67)
Angie (Lines) Sperr (C'74)
Clint Staley (C'80)
Maraila (Merritt, C'04) & Kyle Steighner
Eliza (Allen) Stewart (US'99, C'03)
Elsbeth (Krieg) Stewart (US'70, C'74)
Mindy Stieg (US'81, C'85)
Christine (Lane) Stonecliffe (C'95)
Savanna (Sprague) Suber (US'11, C'15)
Kevin (C'89) & Wendy (Williams, C'88) Swarts
Beth (Manni, C'74) & Jeff (C'74) Sydness
Nancy Tankersley (C'75)
Cheryl (Symonds) Tanner (US'75, C'79)
Rick Taylor (C'72)
Betsie (Ellington, US'70, C'74) & John (C'78) Tegtmeyer
Gerry (C'64) & Carol Teicher
Peter Telschow (C'14)
Emily (Jackson, C'74) & Jay Thatcher
Meghan Therry (C'74) & Scott Griswold (C'74)
Kathryn (Hosmer) Thompson (C'85, C'89)
Corey Thornton (US'05, C'09)
Laurie (Bay) Tice (US'81, C'85)
Carol (Fritz, C'82) & Frank (C'83) Tisdell
Lucia (DeGroot, C'74) & David Tyler
Emem Uko (C'09) & Femi Oyebanji
Alyssa Valentine (C'10)
Kevin (C'79) & Mary (Maynor, C'79) Valentine
Manfred von Malapert-Neufville (C'65)
Kris (Kranz) Waldenmeyer (C'84)
David Walters (US'83)
Brad Wells (C'84)
Larry Whitmore (C'74)
Annie (Martin) Wilder (US'70, C'75)
Dave Wiley (US'71, C'75)
Anne Williams (US'80, C'84)
Bonnie Williams (C'79)
Dawson Woodward (US'85, C'89) & Heather McMullen
Alyson Wright (C'09)
Dave Wrightsman (C'75)
Lisa Wyly (C'88)
Jae-Bok Young (C'84)
Carole Yourl (C'84)
Mahdia Yousufi
Cecily Zdan (C'09)
By Class
10th Reunion:
Susie Bonwich (US'11, C'15)
Andy Crump (C'15)
Molly Glascock (US'11, C'15)
Daren Huber (C'14)
Murilla King (C'14)
Melissa L'Heureux (C'15)
Beth Meindl (C'14)
Adam Rolph (C'14)
Austin Romo (C'15)
Gabby Mejia (C'14) & Dillon Siewert (C'14)
Brian (C'15) & Elaina (Cokinos, C'17) Simpson
Savanna (Sprague) Suber (US'11, C'15)
Peter Telschow (C'14)
15th Reunion:
Nicole Barnett (C'10)
Debbie Chibuzor (C'09)
Robert (C'09) & Audrey (Smith, C'09) Cleveland
Jasmine Linck (C'09) & Arber Masati
Nina Mokoosio (C'10)
Corey Thornton (US'05, C'09)
Emem Uko (C'09) & Femi Oyebanji
Alyssa Valentine (C'10)
Alyson Wright (C'09)
Cecily Zdan (C'09)
20th Reunion:
Chioma (Dinobi) Bishop (C'04)
Liz (Shelton, C'05) & Peter Crow
Ginger (Mack, US'00, C'04) & Mathew (C'18) Emden
Amy (Robbins, US'00, C'04) & Tom (C'07) Evans
Sulaiman Folarin (C'05)
Onyi (Ibe, C'05) & Brian Johnson
Nick Johnson (C'04)
Agyeman Manu-Dapaah (C'05)
Vincent (C'04) & Eloise Meligne
Casie (Witte) Ruzzano (C'04)
Chilufya Siameja (C'04)
Maraila (Merritt, C'04) & Kyle Steighner
25th Reunion:
Scott Blamey (C'99)
Julian (US'96, C'00) & Heidi (Brooks, C'00) Bradley
Kelly (Bingham, C'00) & Scott (US'97, C'01) Brown
Michael Garvey (C'99)
Joy (Denninger, US'96, C'00) & Travis (C'00) Long
Jeff Mattison (C'99)
Cameron Martindell (C'99)
Mindy (Prziborowski) Savides (C'00)
Nathan (C'00) & Melissa (Konetchy, US'98, C'02) Schuette
Tobin Sparfeld (US'96, C'00)
30th Reunion:
Anika Becker (C'93)
Wayne Becker (C'95)
Jodi Crump (C'94)
Terri (Lane) Griffin (C'94)
Storey (Hieronymus) Hauck (C'94)
Kesra Hoffman (C'94) & Kirke Martin
Angie (David) Hopper (C'93)
Stacey (Kidder) Lee (C'94)
Patti Matthys-Pearce (C'94)
Ashley Olson (US'90, C'94) & Douglas Laychak
Anu Rao-Mandapati (C'94)
Christine (Lane) Stonecliffe (C'95)
35th Reunion:
Kim (Kalbfell) Ashby (C'90)
Brand Bogard (US'85, C'89)
Tena (Glasko) Crider (C'90)
Rob Guthrie (C'89)
Kendra (Fortbrook) Haines (C'90)
Laura (Pashley) Henning (C'89)
Cindy Holmes (US'86, C'90)
Tina (Petersen) Hussey (US'85, C'89)
John Jordan (C'90)
Mary Ann (Gustafson) Lomascolo (C'89)
Sean Matthiesen (C'89)
Eric Nager (C'89)
Julie (Eckley) Rogers (US'86, C'90)
Kris (Pfleeger, C'90) & Isahn (C'88) Shoemake
Kevin (C'89) & Wendy (Williams, C'88) Swarts
Kathryn (Hosmer) Thompson (C'85, C'89)
Dawson Woodward (US'85, C'89) & Heather McMullen
Lisa Wyly (C'88)
40th Reunion:
Daniel Brandt (C'84)
Drew Clarkson (C'85)
Lewis (US'81, C'85) & Joan (Laurel, C'84) Dixon
Guillermo (C'84) & Karen Hill
Tim Johnson (C'85) & Leslie (Elliott) Richardson (C'83)
Mary (Kumler) Jones (C'84)
Peggy (Mansfield, C'84) & Gary Lange
Allison (Clifford) Myers (US'80, C'84)
Amy Petersen (US'81, C'85)
Lorna (Paine) Scherff (C'85)
Terry (Smith, C'85) & Dan (US'81, C'85) Sheets
Heather (Darling) Shotwell (C'84)
Scott (US'80, C'84) & Lisa (Wilhelm, C'82) Siewert
Mindy Stieg (US'81, C'85)
Wendi (Greene) Taylor (C'84)
Laurie (Bay) Tice (US'81, C'85)
Kris (Kranz) Waldenmeyer (C'84)
Brad Wells (C'84)
Anne Williams (US'80, C'84)
Jae-Bok Young (C'84)
Carole Yourl (C'84)
45th Reunion:
Susan (Horner) Bruno (C'80)
Bill (C'79) & Jane (Hack, US'74, C'78) Chaplin
Lany (van L. Maas) Clough (US'75, C'79)
Steve Collins (C'79)
Marianne (Meyers) Evans (US'76, C'80)
Tim Hanson (C'80)
Kristin (Anderson) Jamerson (US'75, C'79)
Lisa (Lacy, C'80) & Kris (C'79) Kaehn
Caleb King (C'80)
Jeannie (Sellers, US'75, C'80) & Rick L'Heureux
Bob Macdonald (C'79)
Ruth (Toner, C'79) & David Matthews
Terese (Reiter) Messman (C'80) & Tom Weaver
John Mitchell (C'80)
Virginia (McNamee, US'76, C'80) & Scott (US'74) Pendleton
Debbie (Frank, US'75, C'80) & Peter (C'79) Ross
Trish (Morris) Sarkisian (C'80)
Penny Schmidt (US'75, C'79)
Claire (Whetsel) Sinclair (C'80)
Dave Smith (C'80)
Merry (Pease) Sorrells (C'79)
Clint Staley (C'80)
Cheryl (Symonds) Tanner (US'75, C'79)
Kevin (C'79) & Mary (Maynor, C'79) Valentine
Bonnie Williams (C'79)
50th Reunion:
Murray (C'75) & Laurie (Archer, US'73) Abbott
Steve (US'70, C'74) & Ronnie Abbott
Leslee (Godfrey) Allen (C'74)
Patricia Allen (C'74)
Lindsay (C'74) & Joan Anderson
Les Baker (C'75)
Linda (Hinshaw) Bargmann (C'74)
Paul (C'74) & Sue (Rice, C'74) Beeson
Jeff (US'71, C'75) & Judy (Jackson, C'77) Bell
Rick Benedikt (C'75)
Barbara (Mather, C'74) & Howard Berner
Jan (Lewis, C'74) & Kent (C'71) Bilsborrow
Bruce Bollinger (US'71, C'75) & Anna Gannon
Chestnut (Pfeiffer, C'74) & Richard (C'69) Booth
Donna (Williard) Brandsey (C'74)
Ruth Bruning (C'74)
Charlie Calhoun (C'75)
Kathy (Lewis) Canzoniero (C'74)
Tom (C'75) & AmiLynne Carroll
Valeri (Roberts) Chapman (C'74)
Dawn (Gangwisch) Cheyrouze (C'75)
David Childs (C'75)
Nancy (McFall) Clay (US'71, C'75)
Diane (Woodard, US'70, C'74) & Robert Collier
Cy Crandell (US'70, C'74)
Andria (Witt) D'Errico (C'75)
Jerri (Barnes, C'75) & Richard (C'76) Davenport
Lenard Davis (C'75)
Derek (C'74) & DeAnna Dibble
Bill Fabian (US'71, C'75)
Linda "Shep" (Schoepke) Fine (C'75)
Jodie Fisher (C'75)
Robin (Headley) Florance (C'74)
Joyce (Bedient) Fowler (C'75)
ZuZu (Faller) Freyer (C'74)
Tanner (C'74) & Suellen (Hill, C'76) Girard
Barbara "Barb" (King) Gohl (US'71, C'75)
Nancy (Richardson, C'74) & Jim Golmon
Gretchen Gribble (C'75)
Dick Gude (C'74)
Dee (Hicks) Haskins (C'75)
Laura (Kidson) Hausladen (C'75)
Scott Hedberg (C'75)
Allura Henderson (US'70, C'74) & Wade Mayer (US'70)
Dale (C'74) & Susie (Ostenberg, US'61) Henn
Jim (US'70, C'74) & Karen (Goodspeed, US'80) Hertlein
Carrie Hollenberg (C'75)
Hap (C'74) & Stephanie Holly
Marcia (Schaberg) Hufstader (C'75)
Clint Jackson (C'75)
Gail (Woods) Johnson (C'74)
Sandy (Marschalk) Jump (US'70, C'74)
Andy Kehe (C'74) & Natalie Norman-Kehe
Lee (Mayer, US'70, C'74) & John Kendrick
Ann (Griswold) Kidson (C'75)
Mel (Horrell, C'75) & Tom (US'69, C'73) King
Laura Kinley (C'75) & Kelli Lent
Anita (Noll) Knight (C'75)
Charlie Kolar (C'74)
Kit Kurtz (US'70, C'74) & Dara Sabri
Mark (C'74) & Mary Ann Lesko
Randi (Miller, C'74) & Sam Little
Joan (Wright) Lonnemann (C'75)
Margery (Telthorst) Lorusso (C'74)
Paul (US'71, C'75) & Kathy (Dunn, C'76) Lovegren
Jeff (C'74) & Nancy Lovejoy
Betsy (Garland) Lovell (C'75)
Hap (C'74) & Susan (Merrill, US'77, C'81) Mather
Tim Meyerson (C'74)
Jane (Levy, C'74) & Gregory (C'72) McLane
Terry (US'71, C'75) & Lauri (Pfisterer, US'83, C'87) McNabb
Kevin (US'70, C'74) & Debbie (Heulster, US'79, C'83) Thompson McNeil
Bill Moore (C'75)
Nancy (Hansen) Moore (C'74)
Jan (Heinig, C'74) & Mark Mosman
Bruce (C'74) & Debbie (Paine) Murchison
Eric (Smith, C'75) & Julie (C'75) Pierpont
Jeff Platt (C'75)
Ted Prechter (C'75)
Marcie (Isenburg, C'74) Reed & Tim Carrasco
Marcia (Goldblatt) Regan (C'74)
Lynn (Woleslagel) Reiff (C'75)
Peggy (Klein) Rinegar (C'75)
Judi (Haugan) Ryan (C'74) & Fred Schiele (C'73)
Karl Ryan (C'74)
Pamela Schleich (C'74)
Ann (Shea) Schless (C'75)
Becky (Symonds) Schlueter (C'74)
Sandy (Roeming, C'74) & Brian Schumaker
Liz (Smith) Seaman (C'74)
Nancy (Garland, US'70, C'74) Seaman & Dennis Osvog
David Seward (US'71, C'75)
Owen Shindler (C'75)
Betsy Slaughter-Oliveira (C'75)
Daniel Smith (C'75)
Mooreland Smith (C'75)
Angie (Lines) Sperr (C'74)
Elsbeth (Krieg) Stewart (US'70, C'74)
Beth (Manni, C'74) & Jeff (C'74) Sydness
Nancy Tankersley (C'75)
Betsie (Ellington, US'70, C'74) & John (C'78) Tegtmeyer
Emily (Jackson, C'74) & Jay Thatcher
Meghan Therry (C'74) & Scott Griswold (C'74)
Lucia (DeGroot, C'74) & David Tyler
Larry Whitmore (C'74)
Annie (Martin) Wilder (US'70, C'75)
Dave Wiley (US'71, C'75)
Dave Wrightsman (C'75)
55th Reunion:
Richard (C'69) & Chestnut (Pfeiffer, C'74) Booth
Buz Brewster (US'65, C'69)
Joanne (Worsley, US'65, C'69) & Tom Buchanan
Elizabeth "Libbie" Edwards (US'65, C'69)
Thomas "TJ" Hainkel (C'69) & Beth Andrews (US'63, C'68)
Susie (Levy) Ledbetter (C'70)
Dick (C'70) & Shirley (Thomas, US'66, C'70) Paulson
Scott (C'70) & Cosy (Scholet, C'73) Schneberger
Joy (Nickell) Schwentker (C'70)
60th Reunion:
Joanie (Scofield) Benjamin (C'64)
Linda Conradi (C'65)
Ken Corson (C'64)
Joey (Terryberry, C'65) & Teke (US'61, C'66) Hoffman
Sid (C'65) & Doni (Ellison, C'63) Hubbard
Donanne (Ralston) Hunter (C'64)
Andy (C'65) & Donna Laird
Oliver McClory (C'64)
Bill Sharp (C'65)
Gerry (C'64) & Carol Teicher
Manfred von Malapert-Neufville (C'65)
Karen (Wiley) Sandler (C'64) & Kathy Young
65th Reunion:
David (C'59) Cornell & Virginia (Bivens, C'59) Neil Cornell
David Foltz (C'60)
Eddie (US'55, C'60) & Carol (Danks, US'60) Murphy
70th Reunion:
Jeri (Prugh) Hosmer-Lewitz (C'55)
Howard House Reunion:
Betsy (Tegtmeyer) Adler (C'81)
Patricia Allen (C'74)
Susie Bonwich (US'11, C'15)
Linda Conradi (C'65)
Sara (Geisler, C'78) & Doug Croney
Elizabeth "Libbie" Edwards (US'65, C'69)
Ginger (Mack, US'00, C'04) & Mathew (C'18) Emden
Marianne (Meyers) Evans (US'76, C'80)
Linda "Shep" (Schoepke) Fine (C'75)
Jodie Fisher (C'75)
Robin (Headley) Florance (C'74)
Molly Glascock (US'11, C'15)
Whitnie (Wood) Gonzales (US'98, C'02)
Laura (Pashley) Henning (C'89)
Adrienne (Sandidge) Hill (C'82) & Timothy Watts
Jayme (Walker) Holcomb (C'83)
Carrie Hollenberg (C'75)
Tina (Petersen) Hussey (US'85, C'89)
Gail (Woods) Johnson (C'74)
Lee (Mayer) Kendrick (US'70, C'74)
Dana (Cossman, C'78) & Donald Kenney
Murilla King (C'14)
Melissa L'Heureux (C'15)
Lori (LeRoy) Lines (US'73, C'77)
Patti Matthys-Pearce (C'94)
Susan McConnell (C'81)
Gabby Mejia (C'14)
Terese (Reiter) Messman (C'80)
Jan (Heinig) Mosman (C'74)
Amy (Sauers) Nickell (C'82)
Kate (Armstrong) Pagett (C'78)
Julie (C'75) Pierpont
Lorna (Paine) Scherff (C'85)
Cosy (Scholet) Schneberger (C'73)
Melissa (Konetchy) Schuette (US'98, C'02)
Joy (Nickell) Schwentker (C'70)
Heather (Darling) Shotwell (C'84)
Savanna (Sprague) Suber (US'11, C'15)
Beth (Manni) Sydness (C'74)
Nancy Tankersley (C'75)
Betsie (Ellington, US'70, C'74) & John (C'78) Tegtmeyer
Meghan Therry (C'74) & Scott Griswold (C'74)
Carol (Fritz, C'82) & Frank (C'83) Tisdell
Annie (Martin) Wilder (US'70, C'75)
Carole Yourl (C'84)
International Alumni Reunion
Dennis Adjei-Baah (US'09, C'13)
Maa-Ablah Apo (C'06)
Chioma (Dinobi) Bishop (C'04)
Debbie Chibuzor (C'09)
Sulaiman Folarin (C'05)
Okezie Iroz-Nnanta (C'97)
Onyi (Ibe, C'05) & Brian Johnson
Agyeman Manu-Dapaah (C'05)
Nina Mokoosio (C'10)
Bemi (Ambugo) Mwaura (C'07)
Sel Nutor (C'98)
Calvin (C'13) & Natalie Nyapete
Chilufya Siameja (C'04)
Wendi (Greene) Taylor (C'84)
Emem Uko (C'09) & Femi Oyebanji
Manfred von Malapert-Neufville (C'65)
Jae-Bok Young (C'84)
There's Still Time!
Join friends and classmates for a weekend full of celebration and fun, or attend just Saturday's activities!